aburrirse to get bored​​
acercarse a to get close to
acordarse de to remember
acostarse to lay down / to go to bed
acostumbrarse a to get used to
afeitarse to shave
alegrarse to be glad / happy / pleased
alejarse de to get away from
animarse a to cheer up / to dare to do sth.
apurarse to hurry
aprovecharse de to take advantage of
asustarse to get or become afraid
atreverse a to dare to
bañarse to take a bath / shower
burlarse de to make fun of
caerse to fall down
calmarse to calm down
cansarse (de) to get tired (of)
casarse con to marry
cepillarse to brush (hair, teeth)
deprimirse to become depressed
conformarse con to resign oneself to
volverse to become / to turn into / to return
darse cuenta de to realize
dedicarse a to dedicate oneself to / to do for a living
despedirse (de) to say goodbye
despertarse to wake up
desvestirse to undress
dirigirse a to go to / make one's way toward / to address
hacerse to become / to pretend
divertirse to have fun
dormirse to fall asleep / to oversleep
ducharse to shower
echarse a to begin (usually suddenly) to do sth / to break into
enamorarse de to fall in love with
encargarse de to take charge of or be responsible for
encogerse (de hombros) to shrug (shoulders)
encontrarse (con) to meet with / to run into sb.
enfermarse to get sick
enojarse to get or become angry
enterarse de to find out, to realize
exponerse a to expose oneself to or run the risk of
fijarse to pay attention to / to take a look
jugarse to risk (arriesgarse) (i.e ‘jugarse la vida’)
lastimarse to get hurt or hurt oneself
lavarse to wash (a body part)
levantarse to get up
maquillarse to put makeup on
motivarse to become or get motivated to
moverse to move oneself
mudarse to move (change residence)
negarse a to refuse to
obsesionarse con to be or get obsessed with
ocuparse de to look after
olvidarse de to forget
parecerse a to look like sb or sth
peinarse to comb your hair
ponerse to put on (clothing) / to get or become (+ adj.)
ponerse de acuerdo to come to an agreement with someone
preocuparse por to worry about
prepararse to prepare to
probarse to try on
quebrarse to break (i.e, an arm, leg...)
quejarse de to complain about
quedarse to remain / to stay
quemarse to burn (i.e, oneself, one's body)
quitarse to take off (clothing, etc.)
reÃrse de to laugh about
resignarse a to resign oneself to
romperse to break (i.e, an arm, leg...)
secarse to dry (i.e, a body part)
sentarse to sit down
sentirse to feel
servirse to help oneself to (i.e, food)
suicidarse to commit suicide
tratarse de to be about
vestirse to get dressed
marearse to get sick, to get dizzy
irse to leave
imaginarse to imagine
preguntarse to wonder
llamarse to be called
verse to look or appear (+ adj. or adv. I.e, "te ves bien")
distraerse to get distracted
concentrarse to focus
rendirse to give up
relajarse to relax
merecerse to deserve
suponerse to suppose
conectarse to connect
destacarse to stand out
recibirse / graduarse to graduate
perderse to get lost
cambiarse (de ropa) to change (clothing)
adaptarse a to adapt, to adjust
salirse con (la suya) to get away with
subirse a to get on (the bus, etc.)
tranquilizarse to relax
equivocarse, confundirse to get sth wrong / confused

It's common to have reflexive verbs
right after non-reflexive verbs. If you are wondering where you should place the reflexive particles "me, te, se, nos", this mnemonic might help you remember
what to do with these little words:
When all you have is a conjugated
reflexive verb (as in "*"), the little words can only come before the verb.
However, when the reflexive verb follows another verb (as in both "**"), you have two options: 1) They can come before the first verb (as a separate word).
2) They can attach to the second verb
–which is an infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) or a gerund (-ando, -iendo).
~ I’m a Spanish teacher based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2007 I have been exclusively teaching Spanish to people from all over the world. Whether looking for an online Spanish tutor, or in person while visiting Buenos Aires, please reach out to me with any questions you might have!